Hi, I'm peter

One time I uploaded a clip of me clapping to YouTube, and then somehow the musician MØ used it in a music video. That video has been seen 10 million times. That was weird.


I’ve worked in the health IT industry for 20 years. I’ve had many roles, including running product strategy for an enterprise tool used in clinical trials. I’ve designed, built, and delivered tools for patients, caregivers, and professionals with a focus on privacy, international regulatory compliance, and education. 


In 2013, I released my solo album, Single Point of Failure. In 2019, I released New Gilded Age with my group, Late-Night Delivery. In 2020, Late-Night Delivery released Core/Classic, Summer in a Saturday, and “River.” In 2021, we released Asperitas, Discord and Strife, and Year of Miracles. In 2022, we released the Stasis Lock EP and a full-length beat tape called Croissants and a full-length album called Ringo. In 2023, we released The Three EPs: Hypomania, BIDEN PILLS, and Country Matters. 

Below is a Spotify playlist of every Late-Night Delivery song in chronological order. You can also find Late-Night Delivery on Apple Music, Amazon, and Bandcamp.